Menopause Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatment Cure Centre


Neuro Acupuncture Herbal Medicine Treatment
Menopause Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatment Cure Centre
Menopause Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatment Cure Centre
Menopause Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatment Cure Centre
Menopause Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatment Cure Centre
Menopause Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatment Cure Centre
Menopause Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatment Cure Centre
Menopause Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatment Cure Centre
Menopause Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatment Cure Centre
Menopause Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatment Cure Centre
Menopause Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatment Cure Centre
Menopause Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatment Cure Centre
Menopause Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatment Cure Centre
Menopause Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatment Cure Centre
Menopause Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatment Cure Centre
Menopause Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatment Cure Centre
Menopause Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatment Cure Centre
Menopause Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatment Cure Centre
Menopause Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatment Cure Centre
Menopause Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatment Cure Centre
Menopause Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatment Cure Centre
Menopause Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatment Cure Centre
Menopause Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Medicine Treatment Cure Centre

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A well-known acupuncturist and herbalist in Kuala Lumpur tells us about neuro-acupuncture more


Menopause Treatment

It defined as the end of the last menstrual period. Normally it's occurs on average at 51 years old but the wide range of the normal menopause time from 30 to 60 years old. When the ovaries fail to release an egg every month  and also to produce the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone, so that that gives rise to the symptoms of menopause. That means the ovaries can't controlling the hormones released by the pituitary gland of the brain. 

When it started

Many women have a irregular periods for many years before up to the menopause itself. It is a one of the symptoms of menopause and we called the climacteric or perimenopause. Most common problems can occurs during the climacteric are maybe the women have a heavy bleeding or very little blood. It is normal during that time but if the women in heavy bleeding condition she can face with plenty of problems. But Chinese Master's WAY OF MEDICATION will help you with natural herbal formula by Chinese Master.

Experience about menopause different between every woman. Every woman have a different of symptoms and experience. Usually the symptoms of menopause and the treatment are :

1. Hot flushes and sweating

Usually it happened as a several times an hour and any times and each hot flush usually happened for three to six minutes. The cause why it happened is unknown but mostly the automatic controls of the nervous system become erratic. Usually it will happen when you were too hot and needed to lose heat, during that time this triggers the skin blood vessels to open and also give the  signals the sweat glands to become active.

Usually these is under the "yin - deeficiency " Chinese Master's Herbal formulars has been provern very effective for all these Hot Flashes.

2. Sleep disturbance

Some women have a sweat heavily during her sleep. It is become not comfortable, problems to falling asleep and restlessness.

This insomia can be turn around by using special herbal medicine, for those who cannot sleep at all for the whole even with the help of sleeping pills they can come for NEURO Acupuncture.

3. Psychological changes

Sometimes the women facing with forgetfulness or irritability. It will cause  distressing of the family. So that the family must understand and give her moral support to face it. The other possible symptoms are depression, mood swing, tiredness and headaches.

These is due to the liver imbalance Qi, can be treated by Liver formulas.

4. Physical changes 

Some women don't like having sex and  feel stinging around the vagina during sex. It because a lack of estrogen and cause the vagina don't produce as much lubrication as before and it also affects the bladder and the women more often to pass water. The skin also becomes thinner during the menopause and after the menopause the women is gradual rise in the risk of heart disease and stroke.

These can be avoided by taking regularly or Menopause herbal medicine and it will smoothen all the heart's Qi so that it can prevent you from heart diseases and stroke attack.  

5. Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis also have a connection with the menopause. It because estrogen normally stimulates the bone-building cells. A  lack of estrogen during the menopause cause of osteoporosis and this can make the bones more likely to collapse or fracture.

These problem happen during the Kidney's yin deficiency, and all of these should not happen when you have taken enough Chinese Master's Herbal Medicine for menopause .

Chinese Master's Herbal Medicine treatment will help the women during the menopause. Chinese Master's WAY OF MEDICATION is very easy to follow and give you a better result and also no side effects and alot of bonus effects like you will get a better skin complexion and better energy lever. With natural herbal formula by Chinese Master, you will get a better result and happy life.


Others Question:
1. How often is the complain.
2. How long does it last.
3. Any pain and where.
4. Insomnia for how long
5. night disturb.
6. Hot Flushes.
7. Dryness
8. Sweating.
9. Hot temper.
10 Others complain

Lower abdominal pain in women or Pelvic Pain

What causes lower abdominal or pelvic pain?:

Most women feel discomfort or pain in the lower abdomen below the navel from time to time, for instance, before or during menstruation.

Taking note of certain symptoms will help you and your doctor accurately diagnose the problem, although this can be difficult. It some cases it can be difficult to identify the cause of the pain, but noting certain features will help you and your doctor come to a likely diagnosis. The most common causes are a urinary system disorder such as a bladder or kidney problem, a bowel problem or a condition involving the reproductive system - the uterus, Fallopian tubes and ovaries.

Type of pain arising from the urinary system.

Pain from the urinary system can indicate such conditions as cystitis (inflammation of the bladder), inflammation of the collecting system of one or both kidneys (pyelonephritis), kidney stones or tumors. The usual condition is a burning sensation when passing urine and a need to empty the bladder more frequently. In addition, pain traveling from the back and around to the front might suggest a kidney infection or kidney stone.

The pain associated with kidney stones may be particularly severe. The presence of blood in the urine raises the possibilities of infection, kidney or bladder stones or even a bladder or kidney tumor. Both benign and malignant tumors can first make themselves noticed in this way. The duration of the pain will further help you and your doctor to make the correct diagnosis.

Type of pain arising from conditions of the intestines

Bowel can give rise to a wide variety of symptoms including pain. Constipation and diarrhea can be painful in themselves, and the change in bowel habit usually identifies the pain as coming from the bowel. Pain from the bowel is often described as colicky in nature. This means that the pain or discomfort comes in waves with little or no discomfort in between the pain. Bloating or swelling of the lower abdomen may be present in many intestinal conditions including irritable bowel syndrome. The passing of fresh blood or altered blood (black motions) from the back passage should be reported to your doctor as investigation is usually necessary.


Pain arising from conditions of the reproductive organs

The pain might originate from the uterus (womb), Fallopian tubes or ovaries. It is usually felt in the middle of the lower abdomen, above the line of pubic hair as far up as the navel. Occasionally, the pain is more to one side, which is more typical of a pain coming from an ovary.

There might be discomfort or even pain during intercourse (called dyspareunia) felt deep within the pelvis. Pain originating from the uterus is usually worse at the time of a woman's period (dysmenorrhoea). Examples of conditions of the reproductive organs giving rise to pain include endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, ovarian cysts, fibroids and problems related to the early stages of pregnancy such as miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.

In any case of sudden, severe, unexplained abdominal pain your doctor should be contacted.

Acute and sudden pains are always worrying but chronic pain can also have serious implications and a doctor should be consulted. These may be cause by periods, passing of urine and bowel movements. When there have been episodes of nausea, vomiting, or fever. It may also involves the person's emotional life - family, friends, work - and their sex life, stress.

All of these symptoms can be treated by Chinese Master's WAY OF MEDICATIONS.
The durations of treatment always depends on which type or types of conditions. The area of lower abdomen pain are common and there are others rare types like inflammations of the liver , Spleen or Intestine. Wind attack in the organs or severe dampness or cold conditions in the organs .

The pain relief for all the problems above is very instants and the treatment may have to continue for a couple of weeks.

The treatments ,may be in 3 days or 4 weeks for others very complicated case.


Menstrual pain

Many women experience pain or discomfort at the time of their periods. For most, the pain or unease is not so severe that it interferes with their daily lives .

Some women their monthly period is problematic and almost disabling because of the pain and inconvenience caused. They may have to take time off from school or work and stay at home for one or two days.

Period pain are only sometimes a sign of others disease, like cyst growth, cold ovary or womb, obstructed Qi flow and others complications .

If period pains are more than an inconvenience then it is wise to take some herbal treatment.

What causes menstrual pains?

The natural pains are caused by contractions in the musculature of the uterus. The contractions are caused by the release of the body's prostaglandins, which are hormones produced by the lining of the womb. So when there are abnormal or cold conditions, it will cause pain.


Treatment of Chinese Master

Usually it is enough just to avoid taking all the cold element food and drinks. When the pain is persistence you have to take special " Period Herbal Medicine" . It will smoothen the Qi flow in the womb and uterus and warming the organs. It will strengthen the total Qi energy in your body giving you strength and energy in your daily life.

Pelvic inflammatory disease

Pelvic inflammatory disease is an infection that passes from the vagina through neck of the womb (cervix), the womb (uterus) and up to the Fallopian tubes. The ovaries are sometimes also involved. Bacteria and other micro-organisms can find their way through the vagina and the cervix to the internal reproductive organs. A bacterial infection can cause inflammation in these organs and their surroundings. This most commonly occurs in the Fallopian tubes.

Causes Pelvic inflammatory

It may result from a termination of pregnancy or following childbirth. Occasionally, it may be as a result of having sex with a new partner or many partners. But often no specific reason can be found.



It causes tenderness and pain in one or both sides of the lower abdomen. At the same time, it can cause fever and general discomfort. Finally, the infection can be accompanied by heavy, painful periods and sometimes severe brown or even black color vaginal discharge.


Conditions and Treatment.

These is known to be " severe dampness" in the vagina , uterus, womb and pelvic. Chinese Master's HERBAL treatment usually clears up the total dampness in 1 to 6 course of herbal medicine. Each course will last for ten days. After the treatment you will feel good and full of energy.

There will be a straight diet for you ladies depending on your conditions.

Heavy periods (menorrhagia)

What are heavy periods?

The correct medical definition of heavy periods is the passage of more than 80ml of blood each period. It is seldom realistic or practical, however, to actually measure the blood loss and so doctors rely on the woman's description of her period.

Periods are considered heavy when:

a woman bleeds for more than 8 to 10 days, or a sudden twice as much as her normal flow, especially if this is repeated month after month.

a woman bleeds so much that it is difficult for her to attend her job. She may be forced to plan her holidays and leisure time according to the timings of her period. the bleeding is continuously so heavy that the woman becomes anaemic.

the presence of high numbers of small clots for more than two days suggests heavy periods.

'flooding' describes the sudden, unexpected onset of periods, like a tap is busted , and indicates heavy periods.

Cause of heavy and long menstrual flow

Younger women heavy periods are most often due to a temporary hormone imbalance, which eventually corrects itself.

In the years close to the menopause, heavy periods are usually a sign of hormone imbalance.

Possibility of heavy periods being caused by an underlying disease increases with age.

Associated with heavy periods:

pelvic inflammatory disease.
polyps of the lining of the womb.
the commonest cause is a condition called dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB). This refers to heavy bleeding with cold and weak conditions in the ovary and womb.

In the olden days in villages, there are many cases of died from heavy and non stop menstruation.


When the heavy period does not stop you need immediate herbal medicine to stop it. And when the problem is persistence you still need to get special herbal medicine to balance you conditions.

Regular herbal medicine should be taken after you conditions is over come. It will strengthen your ovary and womb conditions and also tighten your vagina and uterus.



Endometriosis is a condition in which the tissue (endometrium) normally lining the womb (or uterus) grows on different organs outside the uterus.

If the endometrium grows within the muscular layer of the womb it is called adenomyosis, which is just a different type of endometriosis.

The commonest areas to be affected are:
Ovaries where cysts might appear; these are called chocolate cysts because they contain brown material.

Area behind the womb and in front of the rectum (large bowel). This space is called the Pouch of Douglas and endometriosis here often causes deep pain and painful intercourse (dyspareunia).

less common sites include the bowel itself, the bladder and sites outside the pelvis including the navel or operation scars.

Like normal endometrium, the endometriosis tissue undergoes monthly changes according to the hormonal cycle and typically causes painful periods (dysmenorrhoea).

Endometriosis is a very common condition affecting up to 10 per cent of women between 16 and 50 years of age, often without producing any symptoms.

Endometriotic tissue is under hormonal influence so it is almost never seen in children or postmenopausal women.

It appears as small blackish-blue nodules on the external lining of the ovaries or elsewhere in the pelvis. In some cases it may lead to the formation of cysts filled with altered blood, known as chocolate cysts.

Endometriosis may cause discomfort or mild to severe pain during a period (dysmenorrhoea), with many sufferers experiencing chronic pain. Sexual intercourse can be painful, and women with chocolate cysts may have a feeling of fullness in the lower parts of their stomach.

The formation of connecting tissues around endometriosis near the Fallopian tubes or ovaries may reduce fertility. Chinese Master's MEDICATION will need between 4 to 8 weeks to reverse the problem. Fortunately, most women with endometriosis have a mild form of disease and their fertility is not impaired. Once pregnant, most women's endometriosis gets better under the influence of the constant high levels of female hormones produced in pregnancy.

Most patients does not like to get the western treatment because it can have very bad side effects and sometimes may even get infertility from doing so. Others may need to get operations and hospitalize and very high hospital bills and long term artificial hormones that has been proven to encourage breast cancer. So many has to to our treatment which could be done in 4 to 8 weeks time in most cases.

We will guide you from here and let you know what to do and what not to do.


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Acupuncture & Herbal Medical Treatment For Menopause